Nature is wise, and men are very ignorant

Nature is wise, and men are very ignorant.
Yes, it is a harsh statement, but it is the truth. Why do we affirm it?
Nature puts in our table foods that not only guarantee health and healthy and strong growth, some do much more than that. ACMarket APK
Today we will share ten foods that we all have at hand or even already have them in your kitchen, which work practically as medicines, and to a greater or lesser extent help prevent and fight diseases. Some will surprise you.
We do not talk about homeopathy Root Genius APK and pseudosciences that have no health benefits, and that cause significant damage in your pocket, not miracle remedies without scientific basis.
Remember that the origin of medicine is in the use that was given to food Key Root Master APK  and other things that the old doctors have used throughout history. A magnificent example is Hippocrates , a Greek physician , who wrote a complete diet that guaranteed excellent health to those who consumed it. Go Launcher APK
Well, then, we introduce you:

Ten foods that work as medicines and are very easy to get

1. Onion and garlic

Both are first cousins, that's why we put them together Tez APK . They have a large number of antibacterial elements and help treat diseases of greater or lesser severity such as inflammations.
Sulfur compounds in garlic and onion are key elements for use as an antibiotic. In one study, garlic was tested in mice against an antibiotic resistant strain. The results showed that garlic had protected the mice from the pathogen and markedly reduced any inflammation. Link2SD APK
Both onion and garlic have been used to help combat the effects of colds and flu, while garlic helps prevent fungal infections and prevent viral conditions while onion cleanses us of free radicals .

2. Honey

Honey is used as an antibacterial treatment before the development of synthetic antibiotics, for wounds and various diseases, and in a few cultures throughout the world. Freedom APK
Honey contains an antimicrobial enzyme that releases hydrogen peroxide that restricts the growth of certain bacteria. In Eastern medicine, 
Cheat Engine APK honey is used to harmonize the liver and release toxins from the body.
Honey helps to treat the bacterium Helicobacter pylori and ulcers (it knows natural remedies for ulcers ).
In regards to honey, you can know more about this great food in: 10 benefits of honey for health .

3. Green tea

Green tea is an excellent alternative to coffee with a lot of health benefits as an extra gift. Hotspot Shield Elite VPN APK
Sherry Torkos , a world-famous pharmacist, explains that green tea is rich in flavonoids and is packed with antioxidants . Its active ingredient, EGCG,  
Game Killer APK could be of great help in regulating body weight, and great support for the immune system, including the potential risk of cancer.
His research has shown that it helps protect the skin from ultraviolet rays and is healthy for the heart. Discover 10 Benefits of Green Tea for Health .

4. Turmeric

This spice of unmistakable color is gaining much attention because of the multitude of benefits it gives to health. Besides being a main ingredient in many recipes such as curries, it is now also available in supplement form in many Spanish supermarkets
The turmeric is used in therapeutic doses.
Torkos recommends using turmeric for arthritis , digestive problems, inflammation, immune problems, and there is even evidence that helps prevent or delay the onset of cataracts and Alzheimer's .
Learn about 10 health benefits of turmeric .

5. Cinnamon

Do you have problems keeping your blood sugar under control? Then, surely, you will fall in love with cinnamon.
Without going deep yet, we advise you to add cinnamon to your oats, yoghurts, breakfast toast or as a sweetener for desserts like rice pudding.
In addition to helping what they have intuited, it is a great help to the digestive system, so if you suffer from heartburn or indigestion, a little cinnamon will help you a lot.
Cinnamon then helps to lower or control blood sugar levels, is cheap and easy to get and is part of our diet.
If you want to know more about it, know 10 benefits of cinnamon .

6. Ginger

It may not be widely used in our diet and it is a bit more complicated to get it, but it is not very difficult to find it in supermarkets with international or specialized products. The benefits of ginger are many.
This root helps to detoxify the body improves circulation and acts as a natural antibiotic. One of the most well-known benefits of ginger is related to arthritis.
According to Dr. Elson Haas , ginger helps reduce inflammation caused by arthritis and rheumatism, including decreased odor in the joints.
Discover 10 benefits for the body that provides Ginger .

7. Kale

The kale is rich in nutrients and is undoubtedly one of the foods that best fight cancer . Although all green leafy vegetables are healthy, kale is exceptionally high in calcium content. In addition, its anti-inflammatory effects is now the subject of various studies around the world.
According to experts, consuming 100 calories of kale provide up to 35% of the omega-3 that the human body needs daily.
The best way to consume it is in salad, and if possible, of organic origin, free of pesticides and with a little olive oil and sea salt. Here you can know 10 properties and benefits of kale .

8. Cumin seeds

Cumin seeds have anti-inflammatory, anti-flatulence, and antioxidant properties. Cumin seeds are also an excellent source of fiber, along with other minerals like iron, potassium, selenium and zinc. Are used in the treatment of indigestion , flatulence , diarrhea , heartburn , stomach pain , nausea , renal colic, common cold , cough , fever , sore throat and insomnia .
In addition, it helps to accelerate the metabolism and facilitate the absorption of nutrients in the body, and above all, Is used to help prenatal development in pregnant women and slows the growth of cells in cases of breast and colon cancer .
Not long ago I published the article: 10 benefits of drinking cumin for health , where you can learn more about this great food.

9. Coconut oil

Now it is about a tropical oil, with a bad reputation for its high content of saturated fats, but with great health benefits.
Coconut oil is rich in short- and medium-chain fatty acids, which means it brings energy quickly to the body. Despite the amount of saturated fats, coconut oil does not contain any cholesterol .
It has been proven that coconut oil helps weight loss, speeding up metabolism, also helps improve heart health and boosts the immune system.
It is good to use coconut oil instead of corn, canola or soybean oil.
Just as coconut oil has great properties for health, its water is not left anything behind, here you can know about it:

10. Fermented foods

Probiotic foods are one of the most incredible discoveries of the last twenty years. They help increase and preserve the natural intestinal flora that is found in the digestive system.
Research has shown that having a balanced bowel is key to overall well-being and preventing cancer.
Fermented foods are full of antioxidants and microorganisms that the body processes much better than a food supplement.
There is a huge variety of foods of this type, and they are not expensive or difficult to find.


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